Goethe Flourishing
“The good life is a process, not a state of being.” – Carl Rogers
While the scientific study of human flourishing only developed toward the very end of the 20th century, it has brought forth quantities of valuable insights for individuals, organizations, and society. What is flourishing and how can we cultivate it? With depression, anxiety and feelings of isolation surging, these are crucial questions. Based on foundational positive psychology literature, we will discuss and hopefully discover our own potential for happiness and optimal functioning. Inspired by the even more novel research field of the Positive Humanities, we may even choose to take a trip to the Städel Museum and observe the wellbeing effects of engaging with art. Lastly, we could take a philosophical approach, tracking the history of eudaimonia through Western thought or the roots of positive psychology in the work of William James. Undoubtedly, this will be a playful and interdisciplinary endeavor. We will, of course, be rigorously academic, but also make room to talk about personal experiences.
Dieses autonome Tutorium wird hauptsächlich auf Englisch stattfinden, da ein Großteil der relevanten Literatur noch nicht übersetzt wurde. Trotzdem ist jeder willkommen. Wir werden versuchen die Kommunikation so reibungslos wie möglich zu gestalten.
Emma Natschke
Erste Sitzung, Dienstag 29.10, 18 Uhr
Ort: IG-Farben Gebäude 0.251
s5089101 [at] stud.uni-frankfurt.de (Kontakt)